Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Exercise Changes Metabolism

A new study shows that a single workout can boost calorie burn by altering DNA.
For years research has been showing us that exercise does all kinds of good things for our bodies — from raising metabolism to protecting us from disease. Now that we know what a solid workout regime can do, laboratories of late have shifted their focus to zeroing in on how. The newest explanation: Exercise temporarily alters your DNA.
No, it’s not science fiction. A study published in the March 2012 issue of the journal Cell Metabolism confirmed a theory that a single bout of exercise expresses — i.e. “switches on” — genes responsible for energy metabolism. While DNA, your body’s inherited genetic instructional code, technically cannot be changed, environmental lifestyle factors like diet, exercise and stress play a large role in whether or not a gene is "turned on" and its function expressed.
In the study, the scientists took thigh-muscle biopsies of 14 healthy, non-exercising young men and women, average age 25, before and after each rode to exhaustion on an exercise bike (which didn’t take long). The lab analysis of the tissue samples detected a diminished presence of chemicals known as methyl groups, which are thought to limit the expression of genes that are specifically responsible for energy metabolism.
In other words, the genes that help you go faster and get stronger seemed to be awakened from their methyl-induced slumber by just one single bout of exercise; suddenly, like the Army, they were trying to be all that they could be. And the harder the subjects pushed themselves, the more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the genes became.
...the genes that help you go faster and get stronger seemed to be awakened...by just one single bout of exercise.
When participants cycled at a high intensity (80 percent of their maximum aerobic capacity, researchers detected less methyl than when they rode at a low-intensity (40 percent of their maximum aerobic capacity), suggesting that muscle contraction stimulates the drop-off of these chemicals and the subsequent metabolic surge.
“It’s a big surprise,” says Geralyn Coopersmith, an exercise physiologist and national director of the Equinox Fitness Training Institute. “It shows that exercise is a more powerful drug than we thought. It’s more motivation to exercise every day.”
The bottom line? Your body is loaded with “good” genes and “bad” genes that often don’t do a thing until you stimulate them. This study, which identifies chemical methyl groups as a key gene expression agent, shows that exercise specifically targets genes related to metabolism, and concludes that intensity gives you more bang for your buck.
“We were born to exercise — it’s in our genes,” says Coopersmith. “75 to 80 percent of diseases are affected by diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices. This study gives more fuel to the fire that we as a society need to change from hypokinetic (too little movement) to hyperkinetic (much more movement). Exercise is vital to us as a species.”

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Look what's new!! Get it now! If you are looking for a way to fuel your workouts, this is it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Challenge Groups

There are just a few spots left! Get in while you can. By working with me you get Premire Fitness+Premium Nutrition+Peer Support=SUCESS!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here's a picture of me doing my push ups with a pair of 8lb. medicine balls. I was wondering what I looked like doing this so I set up my camera and set the timer. I was happy to see that I had great position and it felt great!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Resolution 2012!!

Hello all. It's that time of the year again when we resolve to eat better and get more active. Well I challenge you to not only do this but make it your lifestyle. You are the only you that you have and you don't get a replacement.
In America right now not only do we have education, economic, and health care issues. We are among the most unhealthy people in the world. And the sad thing is, is that it's a choicce. We like to blame economics and the media but ultimately we are the masters of what we put in our bodies. I myself know that instead of the cup of coffee I can have water. The choice I make at that moment determines what will happen inside my body as a result of that choice. If I don't go for my run or do my workout that day who does it ultimately hurt? We all have excuses as to why we didn't and couldn't make a better choice at that moment. Was that 1 hour television episode that important that you couldn't record it and watch it later?
My goal for the rest of my life is to make smarter choices. Not just a resolution that last as long as the next commercial that comes on. I have decided to make smarter choices for myself so that I can not only enjoy my family more but so that they too can see by my example what living a healthy active fulfilling life is all about.
I challenge you to join me on this journey starting in 2012 and throughout your remaining years on this planet. Let's "Be the Change". It starts with you and can spread to others because you care enough about you first.