Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here's a picture of me doing my push ups with a pair of 8lb. medicine balls. I was wondering what I looked like doing this so I set up my camera and set the timer. I was happy to see that I had great position and it felt great!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Resolution 2012!!

Hello all. It's that time of the year again when we resolve to eat better and get more active. Well I challenge you to not only do this but make it your lifestyle. You are the only you that you have and you don't get a replacement.
In America right now not only do we have education, economic, and health care issues. We are among the most unhealthy people in the world. And the sad thing is, is that it's a choicce. We like to blame economics and the media but ultimately we are the masters of what we put in our bodies. I myself know that instead of the cup of coffee I can have water. The choice I make at that moment determines what will happen inside my body as a result of that choice. If I don't go for my run or do my workout that day who does it ultimately hurt? We all have excuses as to why we didn't and couldn't make a better choice at that moment. Was that 1 hour television episode that important that you couldn't record it and watch it later?
My goal for the rest of my life is to make smarter choices. Not just a resolution that last as long as the next commercial that comes on. I have decided to make smarter choices for myself so that I can not only enjoy my family more but so that they too can see by my example what living a healthy active fulfilling life is all about.
I challenge you to join me on this journey starting in 2012 and throughout your remaining years on this planet. Let's "Be the Change". It starts with you and can spread to others because you care enough about you first.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sneak Peek!!

You Are The Engine

I was having one of those thoughts today as I was taking a walk up the street. There is a local car wash and I noticed how busy they were. I starting thinking about how we maintain our vehicles, getting tune ups, sound system upgrades, custom paint jobs and car washes, yet we don't do this for our bodies. Imagine if we took the same pride in ourselves that we did on impressing others with our vehicles. As you can see from the picture to the left Shaun T has no issues with maintaining his most important machine. It's not easy and we all have excuses and crave the occasional something that isn't on our list of healthy options. I looked at the people waiting to get there cars washed and wondered what it would be like to spend those 15-30 minutes while the car is maintained and do the same for yourself. What if I came over with a few jump ropes and worked on some cardio? How about spending that time doing some stretches or just a quick jog around the block?

It really dosen't take much time to make a difference in yourself so why not start small and see where it will lead you.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New me.

Hello and thanks for joining me here. I will be sharing my views on fitness, weight loss/gain, and nutrition. I welcome you to comment and share info that you find as well.